Saturday, August 13, 2011

Last Day as an Angsa Chantek

Angsa Chantek...? What on earth is this... even the closest people in my life would not know what is it. Yet only 45 special, weird, cute... peoples who have fought together with me in these 1 1/2 years time understand what am I trying to tell all this while.

It was the very last day.. and worst, I ruined it totally. I planned the best for it to end perfectly, but why... why did I mess my plans up at the last minute..? Is it because of the "fire", or maybe all because of my carelessness? Attending my somewhat last class 15 minutes before it ended ain`t fun... believe me... you would not want to try it even once~

I really want to apologize to all other Angsa Angsas... if I do hurt anyone feelings or did anything wrong or unpleasant... please forgive me =)
I would not want anyone to bring these hatreds along with you guys until the next time we meet... Lets just keep the good memories of me and you (yes, you too and also you over there)

Don`t shy away whenever we have the chance to meet.. remember to say "hi.. (ang..ang...~) "
If I forgot to greet you, I would like to sincerely apologize first ( that shows that my memory not that good XD)
please remind me... =)

finally, all the best uolllls... always aim high and achieve your goals...
your parents will be very proud of you